Our Affiliate Scheme

Join our affiliate scheme to earn 50% commission on sales that you generate for us. Our website will remember visitors that you sent our way for 30 days, meaning if they purchase any of our test packs within 30 days of clicking your link, you'll be credited with the sale.

We've included a few common questions and answers below before you get started.

Q. How often are payments made to our affiliates?

The minimum threshold for payments we make to our affiliates is £20. Payments are made on the 5th working day of each month. If your balance does not each £20, it will roll onto the next month.

Q. Which test packs is this scheme valid for?

Every test pack is included in this scheme, including custom packs that the user can create.

Q. What is the average order value?

Most of our sales include the 15 test pack. As of the 1st April 2016, this packs costs £11.49, meaning £5.74 is payable to our affiliates if a visitor they deliver to our website purchases this pack.

From time to time we may run promotions with discount codes which may lower the value of each pack.

Q. Are repeat orders included?

Yes, all purchases made from your visitors are included in the programme.

Questions before signing up?

To talk to us, please use our contact form and for our terms and conditions, please click here.