Numerical Reasoning Test Tips

What do I need to know for a Numeracy Aptitude Test?

To pass your numerical reasoning tests there are a few key points that you need to know. We have gathered some ideas below to help you prepare for your numerical psychometric tests.

Key skills to have before the test

Clearly it isn't possible to tell you the exact skills/knowledge required to pass the numerical exercises you will face but there are some common themes. It is common that no real knowledge is required for these tests as all the information will be provided in the questions, however, basic mathematical knowledge could be assumed.

You will be required to interpret the data provided to you and perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage change, ratios and other operations.

We have created a cheat sheet here to help you if you need it.

The data required for these operations may not always be obvious. The questions could be based around data displayed in a graph or chart which means that you will need to be able to read what the graph is telling you and extract the correct information before you can start.

During the test

During the test it is important to work quickly but accurately (we score you on this in our results area). If you feel you do not understand a question it may be better to simply move onto the next one.

Calculators are usually allowed so make sure you take one with you that you are familiar with. If calculators are allowed in the numerical test, it is possible there will be some operations that could be tricky to do in your head, so make sure you are prepared.

Research the employer

Employers often use the same provider of numeracy tests for a number of years before changing. This can be for many reasons as it can often be expensive to change the recruitment process and they will have built up a trust with the provider.

As a result, it is often possible to research the types of tests that you will face in an assessment centre or online test as past candidates may discuss the tests in online forums. While we would not advise that you only practice the types of test mentioned on recruitment websites it can be helpful to have an idea of what numerical tests are used. It is also important to note however that even if an employer remains with the same provider for its numerical reasoning tests, the provider is likely to vary the tests year on year.

Practice makes perfect

In order to prepare for your numerical reasoning tests it is important that you practice. This will ensure that you are prepared for the types of question you may face and how you may go about answering them.

We're sorry, but we are currently developing our numerical reasoning tests. Please check back at a later date!

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