Terms of Use

AptitudeExercises.co.uk ("this website" or "We") aim to provide a service dedicated to improving our clients' skills. By using our services you must agree to our terms of use. These terms apply to all users of this website regardless of membership status.

T1. Content/Limited Right to Use/Copyright

Any content/materials created by aptitudeexercises.co.uk remain the property of aptitudeexercises.co.uk and must not be used or incorporated into any other systems or tests; this includes any online or downloaded material created by (or originating from) AptitudeExercises.co.uk. Any content obtained from paid services must only be used by the purchaser unless approved by a member of the support team.

T2. Communications

Any communication with website staff or any other users will be treated as non-confidential and will be recorded where possible. This includes all possible types of communication to or with any person through this website. Any unlawful communication or abuse towards website staff will be reported to the relevant authorities.

T3. Tampering

You may not participate in any activities which are aimed at tampering with this website, this includes any attempt to access any part of the website to which you do not have a right to access. This includes any attempt to copy, change or create any part of this website or any of its services. Any accounts link to such actions will be terminated in accordance with the termination clause included in this policy.

T4. Under 13s

We do not allow people under the age of 13 to use our services, any accounts held by persons under the age of 13 will be removed. This is in accordance with the termination clause included in this policy.

T5. Data Loss

We do not accept responsibility for any loss of data while using our service or after the service has expired. While backups are regularly made we cannot guarantee that the data that is lost can be recovered. This is with respect to any data collected or created by aptitudeexercises.co.uk.

T6. Refund Policy

We reserve the right to deny refund requests under reasonable grounds.

T7. Links to other sites

We accept no liability for the content featured on other websites and so accept no liability for the content found by using any links on our website.

T8. Limitation of liability

We accept no liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from use of our services or any materials featured on this website. This is extended to any online or downloaded content. The services provided are used at the users risk and any damages made as a result of our services will not be reimbursed.

T9. Disclaimer

We assume no responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or relevance of the materials provided on this website. This website has been created to provide users with relevant services that will aid them in the areas suggested in the test area of this website, however we cannot guarantee (and hence accept no liability) that our service will help improve your skills or enable you to pass the exercises set by employers.

T10. No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

You will not use this website for any unlawful or prohibited use. You will not use this website in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair this website or how users interact with this website.

T11. Account Termination

We reserve the right to cancel/delete/terminate the account(s) of any individual who has breached these terms. The account will be suspended pending investigation, if terms have been breached the account may be deleted. We do not accept any liability for loss of data as a result of this termination. Paid users will have no right to a refund of any kind following the termination.

T12. Trademarks

The names of companies and products mentioned on this website remain trademarks of their respective owners.

We reserve the right to amend these terms. Registered users will receive email notice prior to any change.

Any queries regarding this policy should be directed here.